
  • See details instructions in our How to Bake Section.

  • Find the store near you or where to buy online on our Product Locator page.

  • Ree Ree Dee's should stay frozen until you're ready to bake. Generally we recommend to store it for up to 2 years, but we know it won't last that long in your freezer because you'll want to make it!

  • You can make any of our cookie doughs using ReeRee’s Original Recipes.

  • There's something magical about letting that dough sit and chill before baking, whether it's in the freezer or the fridge. It allows all those fabulous flavors to meld together and develop, making your cookies even more heavenly.

    So, to answer your question, yes, frozen cookie dough is 100% as good as fresh cookie dough. In fact, some folks might argue that it's even better because of that little bit of extra time it spends getting cozy in the cold. So, go ahead and embrace the convenience of frozen cookie dough—it's a delightful shortcut to cookie perfection!

  • Short answer
    No, you shouldn't eat raw ReeRee's cookie dough.

    Long answer
    Now, here's the twist! We use real, wholesome, non-GMO butter and eggs that are pasteurized, meaning they are completely safe to eat raw. Just like you mentioned, if you've ever had Caesar dressing or mayonnaise, you've had some raw eggs without a worry.

    Here’s the twist—our risk ingredient is the raw flour. You see, flour is a raw agricultural product that needs to be baked before it's safe to munch on.

    However, don't fret too much! The risk of getting ill from raw flour is significantly lower than, say, from lettuce.

    Cookie dough that's meant to be edible uses heat-treated flour, which is basically flour that's been baked before it's added back into the dough. Now, the thing about this process is that while it makes the dough safe to eat raw, it also bakes out the gluten in the flour.

    Which is the magical ingredient that makes cookies rise and gives them that fluffy texture when baked. So, when you have edible cookie dough, it's absolutely delicious and safe to eat, but it'll never rise again like your regular baked cookies do.

  • Okay, folks, let's get real.

    Store-bought refrigerated cookie dough? It's a race against time. You've gotta eat it fast before it turns into a texture and taste disaster. And they use not-so-great ingredients to keep it going in the fridge.

    Shelf life? Limited, especially after you open it. Most importantly, it's just not gonna taste like a homemade cookie.

    So, if you want that genuine homemade goodness, give frozen dough a shot. It's like a flavor journey right in your own kitchen!

  • You can be the judge! We believe that using simple, real ingredients to make ReeRee's Frozen Cookie Dough make it taste more delicious and freshly homemade, when compared to cookies baked from refrigerated store-bought cookie dough.

    Use our $2 Off Discount to buy ReeRee's Cookie Dough at a Store Near You, see what others say in our Reviews and tell us what you think!

  • Because freezing makes it so much better, and I think you'll agree once you give it a whirl! Here's why:

    Real Ingredients, Freshness Locked In: We use only the finest, real ingredients in our frozen cookie dough, and freezing them helps lock in that freshness. No artificial anything here, just pure deliciousness.

    Long Shelf Life, Even After Opened: One of the perks is that frozen cookie dough has a long shelf life, even after you've opened it. So, you can satisfy that sweet craving whenever it strikes, whether it's today or a few weeks down the road.

    Pre-Portioned for Consistent Baking: Each portion is pre-measured, making baking a breeze. No guesswork involved! You can bake just one or go all out with a batch, and they'll turn out consistently scrumptious every time.

    So, go ahead and embrace the wonderful world of frozen cookie dough. It's all about convenience, quality, and satisfying those cookie cravings whenever your heart desires!

  • Yes, ReeRee's Dough can be baked in the Air Fryer! See our How to Bake section for detailed instruction

  • You know, when it comes to Ree Ree's, it's all about real ingredients, and I mean really real! We're talking real butter, real eggs, real flour—no funny business here.

    Now, can you really indulge in dessert in a healthy way? Well, we believe so. Our pre-portioned cookie dough isn't meant to be wolfed down; it's meant to be savored and truly enjoyed. See, when you treat yourself to dessert, it's like a special moment, right?

    I honestly believe you've got a different kind of relationship with food when you have to wait until it's baked. It's like you're fully immersed in the process. You decide you're gonna have three cookies, but you've gotta wait a good 10-15 minutes for them to come out all warm and gooey. You can't just mindlessly eat the entire bag while binge-watching TV. It's all about that anticipation, that experience, and savoring every delightful bite!

  • No, ReeRee's Dough is not gluten free. We use high quality, unbleached, unenriched 100% hard red wheat flour in our recipes.

  • No, ReeRee's Dough is not vegan. We use non-gmo 100% real butter and eggs in our recipes.

  • Yes, ReeRee's Dough is non-GMO, and we are in process of obtaining a non-GMO certification.

  • We totally get it – you might wonder why ReeRee's Cookie Dough comes with a bit of a premium price tag compared to some other brands out there. Here's the scoop.

    First and foremost, we're all about the good stuff. Our cookie dough is made with top-notch, non-GMO ingredients, and most of them come from the good ol' USA. It's this commitment to quality that makes our cookies taste like they're straight out of a baking wizard's oven.

    But it doesn't stop there. Our cookie scoops aren't churned out by emotionless machines. Nope, real, live human beings are behind those hand-rolled dough balls. It's what gives them that warm, homemade touch. And yes, it costs a bit more, but quality comes at a price, right?

    Now, let's put things in perspective. Think about your daily coffee shop splurges – those lattes, frappuccinos, and whatnot. They add up quickly. Our cookies, on the other hand, offer days of indulgence, and they're perfect for sharing with friends. So don't be shy about it! It's an investment in the delightful world of premium cookies. Your taste buds will thank you, and your wallet won't mind the occasional treat.